Sample Publications: [NO LONGER IN PRINT]



Date Published:



George Lowther

1979 (public domain Kassel Classics™ reprint). Printed in Los Angeles, California.

This unofficial facsimile of the original Superman novel waa a limited run of 250 copies, including original illustrations by Joe Shuster, four or which are in full color.

Cover art and preface by Jeremy Kay, cartoonist, art collector, writer and cinema arts director for a number of classic films including Easy Rider (1969), Johnny Got His Gun (1971) and other art films of the era.

Inside typography was replicated in silver film duplication (pre-digital era) created from the original book.

Distributed by Ingram.



Date Published:



Ernest Vincent Wright


A 50,000 word novel without the letter "E"! According to the author, the entire manuscript of Gadsby was written with the "E" key of the typewriter tied down!

A fire in downtown Los Angeles destroyed nearly all copies of this curious literary landmark before it could be distributed. One rare proof copy of the book somehow managed to find its way onto the shelf of the Los Angeles Public Library. This is the copy from which this Kassel Classic™ was silver film-replicated and published.

Kassel Book's preface, by Jeremy Kay, includes his first-account meeting with the original publisher and back story of the book.



Date Published:


Eat and Grow Thin

Health & Diet; The Mahdah Menues by Vance Thompson

1914 (20 impressions/reprints through 1920)

What makes Eat and Grow Thin such an entertaining book is not only the rightness of its early 20th century menues, but the witty and stylish presentation of its author, Vance Thompson, who even in 1914 could "shame a hippo into slimming down."

Eat and Grow Thin was a book ahead of its time, including a few "meatless" recipes. But even then it received rave reviews from many premiere national publications such as The Nation, Pittsburgh Post, Boston Herald, the Evening Post and more.



Date Published:


The Magical Cinema Director

Jeremy Kay (IMDB)


The Magical Cinema Director answers the "whys" and "wherefores" of this most ultimate and distinguished artist. The magic of the book, itself, is in the way it synthesizes art, style, form and procedure while inspiring the reader with profound and often humorous incites.

The Magical Cinema Director discloses, in 22 starry chapters, Mr. Kay's impressions of Life as an Act of Art, the basis of self-realization.